Changed Lives Through Christ - Blog
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Current Blog...                    A Messianic Jewish Rabbi        10/20/2024
                                                                                 Jonathan Cahn
     Jonathan Cahn was raised in the
synagogue. But when he was just eight years old, he became an atheist. He said,
“I looked, and I saw the film strips about God moving and talking in the Bible, but
I never saw the reality in the synagogue. The Rabbi never got up and said, ‘Hey, God spoke to me today.’ So, I became an atheist. I said, ‘There is no God.’”
     Born in New York State, Cahn was raised in a reform Jewish home and attended the synagogue frequently. But his religious life did not satisfy his soul. His young mind apparently found no rest
because four years after becoming an atheist, he had lost all faith in Atheism. He started seeking and said, “There’s got to be more; there’s got to be a reason.” He began to devour books of every kind from religion to science.
     One day he picked up what he thought was a UFO book, but it turned out to be one of Hal Lindsey’s books: The Late, Great Planet Earth. When he realized it, he said, “God tricked me!” Even so, he read it through and learned about all the prophecies of the Bible that had come true, like how God had brought Israel back to their homeland.
     Jonathan was inspired and turned to the Old Testament, the only Bible in his household. He read the prophecies about the Messiah, born in Bethlehem, and dying for our sins. By the way, he thought all that was of the Catholic religion, but there it was in his Bible.
     The God of heaven was revealing the truths of His word to young Jonathan, and he started
believing and telling his friends. He explains in his testimony that he wasn’t yet “saved”. He hadn’t taken that step. But he believed! In fact, during one of his speech classes in high school, he got up and started preaching the Gospel--as a Jew. He was even leading people to the Lord!
     Then Jonathan thought to himself, “I can’t just do this. If the Lord comes again, I have to be right with God. I’m not right.” He deduced that to be right though, he would have to surrender everything and go live in a monastery or something, and that would be the end of his life. That was kind of shocking to him, so he said, “God, I don’t want to do that . . . I’ll make a deal with you. If you give me a long life, I’ll accept you when I’m about to die on my death bed.”
     Shortly after that, Cahn almost got killed, twice! The second incident was more amazing than the first. He was in his car, waiting for a train by the railroad tracks. It was in the dark of night, so he didn’t realize he was actually on the tracks when the train hit him. In that moment he said, “All I could do was cry out to God.” The car was destroyed but Jonathan walked away without a scratch.
     Jonathan said, “O.K. God . . . can we renegotiate that deal I made? I’ll accept you now when I’m 20.” He further explains that when he turned 20, he went up into the mountains, (because that’s how you’re supposed to do it, he thought), he found a rock and knelt down upon it and gave his life to the Lord. Thus, he became a Messianic Jew!

"THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
(Just Published: September 2024)
Is there more to the world than meets our eyes – another realm that’s transforming
our world at this very moment? Is there an ancient vision that unlocks
what is really happening to our world and what is yet to come? A dangerous force
from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course
of world events? Did a three-thousand-year-old mystery actually foretell
the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year – and even the exact date?
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up End-Time Prophecy to reveal
the mysteries behind the End of the Age and what is now happening before our eyes;
even the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming
and how to overcome your Dragon!

   (Click Pic to Purchase)

     This would be a good place to end the story, but there’s one more twist that shows just how amazing God is. Jonathan returned with his “shofar” (horn) to this same spot, years later after he had been in ministry. He found the same rock where he was saved and celebrated that decision as he spent time with the Lord. Later, he was telling his congregants about it, and they informed him that this particular spot had been dedicated to Satan and was a meeting place for witches. The rock was their altar! Suddenly, Jonathan remembered some graffiti he saw there that said, “No Jew shall enter these sacred grounds.” Jonathan said, “For 2000 years, you [Satan] haven’t wanted Jews to come to Jesus, (because he knows when that happens, that’s it for him) . . . Too late Satan. It’s
already happening. After 2000 years, the Jewish people are returning . . . returning to their land
and they’re returning to their Messiah, Yeshua-Jesus: the hope of Israel!’”
      Can you say “Amen, hallelujah?!”


Previous Blog...                                     Helene                            10/6/2024
                                                                             Looking For Hope
       Did you know there’s actually a committee that gets together to name hurricanes and cyclones? And did you know they already have all the names picked out through to the end of 2029?’
       Furthermore, according to, a powerful hurricane named Helene formed near the coast of the Carolinas in 1958. So, yes, they do reuse these names.
       While there is no one named “Helen” mentioned in the Bible, there was a “Queen Helena” documented in early church history. We know about her through the writings of the historian, Josephus. She lived during the turn of the first century and died around 50 A.D. She was Queen Mother in a place called Adiabene, which was part of Assyria and partially governed by Iran.
       Queen Helena was known far and wide for her generosity. Near the end of her life, there was a famine in Jerusalem. She purchased grain and dried figs from Egypt to distribute among the hungry.
       So what does “Helene”mean? It is a French variant for the female name, “Helen”, originating from the Greek language. (The English often spell it, “Ellen”.) According to, it means “torch”. Other sites describe the name as “light” or “bright”.
       Considering the fact that we, here in the South Eastern United States, have just come through possibly the worst hurricane in history, there is certainly nothing “bright” about our current situation. As of this writing, NBC News reports that At least 223 people have died and hundreds are unaccounted for in the destruction wrought by Hurricane Helene since it made landfall in Florida on Sept. 26. More than a week later, some residents and communities remain isolated, hundreds of thousands are without power, and spotty service has made communication difficult.
       Disasters like this war against our faith in God. Many are wondering when help will come. The Bible says, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth,” (Psalm 121:2; ESV). “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea . . .” (Psalm 46:1, 2; KJV).
       Over at, there are some well written points worth mentioning. I pray these words will encourage you in your journey, especially if you are struggling through difficulties at this time.
       “Tragedy has a way of testing our faith and challenging our beliefs. It can leave us feeling spiritually adrift, unsure of how to find hope and comfort amid the pain and confusion. This is precisely why holding onto our belief in God becomes so crucial during these times. Faith provides us with a source of strength and resilience that can help us endure the darkest moments of our lives . . .
       “During times of tragedy, we might feel distant from God, questioning His presence and goodness. However, faith reminds us that God is always with us, even in the midst of our pain. Embracing this belief can provide the strength needed to face each day with renewed hope . . .
       “The journey of grief can be overwhelming, but faith can be a guiding light during this process. It allows us to process our emotions and find solace in the knowledge that God understands our pain and sorrow.”

"Hope in the Storm: Devotions for the Christian Disaster Responder" 
by Rev. Gregory C. Smith, Ph.D. is a Christian-focused collection of devotions 
tailored specifically for those responding to disasters with a faith-based approach. 
Rev. Smith's insightful prayers and reflections are rooted in Christian teachings, 
offering spiritual guidance and support to Christian disaster responders as they 
navigate the challenges of their critical and compassionate work. This book
is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to find strength, hope, and 
a deepened connection to their Christian faith while serving others in times of crisis.

(Click Pic to Purchase)

       Notice it said, “faith can be a guiding light”. Queen Helena was a provider and a comforter in a time of need, thus the meaning of her name, “torch, light, bright”.
       More so, turning to Jesus as our Great Shepherd and to the Holy Spirit as our Comforter will restore our hope. At times like this, though we want to declare the opposite, we must agree with the Scriptures that say:
       “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him!’” (Lamentations 3:22-24; NKJV).
       “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful,” (Hebrews 10:23; NKJV).
       “For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” (Romans 8:38, 39; AMPC).
       Let us continue to pray for all those affected by hurricane Helene. May the Lord bring healing and restoration to all.


Previous Blog...                               God Is Real                        9/22/2024
                                                                     Dog the Bounty Hunter
      We know that Duane Chapman’s mother did not name her son “Dog” so, how did he acquire that nickname? According to The U.S. Sun, “Chapman told the media outlet: ‘When I was in a motorcycle gang I was made sergeant of arms. [The sergeant of arms is] the smallest guy with the biggest mouth who starts all the fights. The club president called me God spelled backwards because I spoke about God and I was man's best friend. In the bounty hunter world it turned into this dog can hunt.’"
     Well, our friend, Dog, succeeded in the “gang world’ but he had a rough go of it in his early years. While his mother helped raise him as best as she could, his father was cruel to him.  Brent Furdyk posted an article at where he reprinted an interview with Chapman on CTV News. Chapman said, “‘As a young boy, I never knew that other kids didn't get hit by their dads ... From the then-youngster's perspective, experiencing domestic abuse was a normal rite of passage that all sons had to endure. I simply didn't know anything different,’ he continued, admitting he couldn't remember any long stretch during his childhood when he wasn't being beaten. The Dog the Bounty Hunter star went on to write, ‘Just thinking of the abuse I endured can make me cry ... I was expected to take it like a man. But I wasn't a man. I was a young boy looking for love and approval from my father. I was desperate for his affection, so I ignored the pain.’"
     Even more disappointing was a truth that surfaced only eight years ago: It turns out his dad wasn’t his biological father. That was another heart-break for Chapman, noted in his book (pg. 8).
     At age 23, Dog hooked up with a few of his pals and paid a visit to a local drug dealer. According to an article by Billy Hallowell at, they broke into the man’s house looking for marijuana. They also planned to rob him that night. While Dog and another man waited outside, the third man shot and killed the dealer. They were all arrested; Dog, was named an accomplice and was sentenced to five years in prison but only served eighteen months.
     He said his prison experience is what led him down the road of change. He went from felon to bounty hunter; he went from being a criminal to catching criminals as well as sharing Jesus with them. Through his work as a bounty hunter, a reality TV program, Dog the Bounty Hunter, developed that ran from 2003 to 2012.
     The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it,” (Proverbs 22:6; NKJV). Chapman’s mother was a prayer warrior and she brought her son to church every Sunday, growing up. So, he knew better than to live the life he did. Through his mistakes and failures, however, he has come back to God, having learned many of life’s lessons the hard way.
     Talia Wise writes at, “Chapman and his wife, Francie, appeared on The Kellie Show alongside Katie Souza to share how their supernatural journey with the Lord has not only changed their lives but also made them ministers to people from all walks of life. Chapman, who served time in prison before giving his life to Christ, spent years chasing down convicts. He knows what a hard-core criminal looks like. He said that believers today need the supernatural empowerment of God to overcome the demonic evil facing the world.”

Go behind-the-scenes with Duane "Dog" Chapman, star of the hit reality show,
Dog the Bounty Hunter and two-time New York Times bestselling author, 
as he shares new stories about his faith in Jesus, family, and the discovery 
of God's grace at work throughout his life. From being in a motorcycle gang, 
to being incarcerated, and then becoming a widely-know TV personality, 
Duane's life has been anything but ordinary. But, through every success and failure, 
the one constant has been his faith in God. For the first time, Daune is sharing 
how his faith has brought him through life's greatest difficulties,
 giving him renewed purpose and meaning.

(Click Pic to Purchase)


      It seems every hardship contained a stepping stone for Chapman. His previous wife and love of his life, Beth, lost her fight with cancer in 2019. It was a painful experience for Chapman, but he was even more determined to go on with God. At, Christel Berns quotes Chapman: “‘I know God is absolutely real . . . I know that God told me years ago … I’m going to show you miracles beyond [anything] that you could imagine, think, or want.’”
     And that’s just what he and his wife Francie do to this day; they operate in the realm of the miraculous. Talia Wise continues, “Chapman is not retiring from bounty hunting. While on the show, he announced plans for a new TV program called, Dog the Bounty Hunter and the Essentials.
     "’We're going after child molesters, child predators, guys that kill women, guys that beat women," he explained. "Right now in America, it's about the only people they leave in jail. So we are going after the worst of the worse and we're bringing them in, in Jesus' name . . .’”
     Francie added, "’We've been praying a lot about what's next. We know that God brought us together for a specific reason and for a powerful reason and to bring glory to His Kingdom, everywhere we go and we want to do that and that's our heart.’"


Chapman, Duane. Nine Lives and Counting, Thomas Nelson, 2024.

Previous Blog...                KILLED IN THE LINE OF FIRE         7/28/2024   
                                        Trump Rally Attendee: Corey Comperatore
       We are told that Corey Compertore was a family man from Sarver, Pennsylvania. He was 50 years old, had two daughters and a loving wife, and was respected in the community. He served as a volunteer firefighter and was in church every Sunday, but in a senseless moment, all that was taken away.
       Like any other day, Corey probably woke up thinking about the day ahead and all that he might venture to do. But July 13th was a special day because he and his family would soon be heading over to the fairgrounds in Butler, Pennsylvania to hear Donald J. Trump. Perhaps they left for the event very early in the morning so they could get a good seat, right behind the President.
       The venue was filled to the brim by the time Trump finally got up on the platform to speak. He had only been on the stage for a matter of minutes when the unthinkable happened. He was hit by sniper fire! Who would have guessed? But it was true. In those moments, we would learn that a 20-year-old had gotten hold of his father’s AR-type rifle and shot at the President.
       Days later, the motive for this heinous act still has not been determined but this young man had been thinking about it for a while according to his social media posts. CNN reported the shooter had a history of internet searches on his phone as early as this Spring, relating to the dates and times of Trump’s rallies. He seemed to be looking for his moment of fame, when he posted, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,” CNN sources said.
       Meanwhile, Corey Compertore and his family did not anticipate they would be caught in the crosshairs of a calculating lunatic. And so, when the gunfire began, Corey did the only thing he knew to do. He pushed his wife and daughters to the floor of the bleacher stands and covered them with his own body. And in the process, Corey took a shot to the head and was killed. Two other bystanders were also critically wounded.
       In an article by Harvest Prude with Megan Fowler at Christianity Today it was said by Corey’s Pastor, Jonathan Fehl: “ ‘Comperatore was the kind of church member who showed up every Sunday, took part in small groups, became a member of the congregation’s board of trustees, and helped with building projects. He was an Army veteran, volunteer firefighter, and proud ‘girl dad’—a guy who did everything with “a heart of service to the Lord,’ Fehl wrote.
       “His final act of love and sacrifice came on Saturday, when he yelled, ‘Get down!’ before diving in front of his wife and daughters to protect them from a bullet intended for former president Donald Trump.
       “The 50-year-old died on the scene from a gunshot wound to the head.”
       Anne Carlson Kennedy writes, “Members of Sonrise Community Church, another congregation in Sarver, offered prayers and sang before a crowd of 300. They repeatedly referenced Corey’s ‘greater love’ and how he was willing to lay down his life for others. As his daughter Allyson wrote in tribute, ‘He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us.’
       “ ‘You’ve heard about who [Corey] is. … We’ve also heard the most important part, about whose he is,’ said Fehl, Comperatore’s pastor. ‘He knew that he belonged to Jesus Christ. That’s the reason he lived a life of service the way he did. He was a witness to the grace of God at work in his life.’ ”

When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease
that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s
most difficult questions: Why, God? Years later, Rabbi Kushner wrote this straightforward,
elegant contemplation of the doubts and fears that arise when tragedy strikes.
In these pages, Kushner shares his wisdom as a rabbi, a parent, a reader, and a
human being. Often imitated but never superseded, When Bad Things Happen to Good People
is a classic that offers clear thinking and consolation in times of sorrow.

(Click Pic to Purchase)
                                                                    AVAILABLE AT AMAZON

       Our Lord said this life would not be easy. But He also said He would never leave us nor forsake us. We can take great comfort in knowing Corey is now with Jesus. And though he will be greatly missed here, as believers we know we will all be united again one day.
       In the meantime, we are thankful we did not have more damage or loss of life. And we are thankful that President Trump was miraculously spared. God is not done with America. He has a plan for our nation. But He is waiting for us to turn back to Him.
       Turning away from God removes His protective umbrella, yet in His mercy, He continues to save us from total destruction; He does it over and over again. If we as a nation continue in our rebellious ways, God may have to “shake us sober” so that our eternal lives can be spared. I pray we won’t have to face His wrath but instead turn toward His grace and mercy before it’s too late . . . something to think about . . .


Previous Blog...             SOUND OF FREEDOM                    7/23/2023
                                                     Jim Caviezel Plays Tim Ballard
      There’s been a lot of “buzz” lately about an independent film, 
released July 4th of this year called Sound of Freedom. It is based on a true story and was created and produced to expose the evils of sex-trafficking, going on in this country and around the world
  The film depicts the incredible true story of former federal government agent, Tim Ballard, turned vigilante who quits his job and 
embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers.
       In a CBN interview, Tim Ballard explains, “Nobody was talking about human-trafficking and I was telling people these stories of things I was coming across and no one believed me. And it was like, ‘These are real kids.’
       “And really it was my wife on this . . . she grabbed me by the 
collar and said, ‘I will not let you jeopardize my salvation.’ [the 
actress during this scene said, ‘You quit your job and you go and rescue those kids.’] . . . I really put it into perspective: why are we here on this earth?
       “And then we jumped in and the operation--as the movie depicts--was extremely successful . . . it was actually bigger than Sound of Freedom was able to show.
       The star, Jim Caviezel, (the actor who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ), explains, “It is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. It has already passed the 
illegal arms trade and soon it’s going to pass the drug trade.”
       The horrors of what is happening to these children and adults alike can hardly be grasped. The website, Human Trafficking Research states that individuals are exploited “. . . through threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, and/or deception . . . and include the practices of forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced marriage, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers . . .”
       There are also reports about people being used for organ harvesting, adrenochrome collection through torturous fear tactics, and medical experimentation. But of course there is push back among the elites who say such ideas are no ore than conspiracy theories. Even so, many are talking about these issues and more of these operations are coming to light each day in spite of the “woke”.
       And just to show how “woke” our society has become, Wikipedia reports that, “Sound of Freedom was completed in 2018 and a distribution deal was made with 20th Century Fox. However, that studio was purchased by the Walt Disney Company, which shelved the film. The filmmakers reportedly spent years trying to get the distribution rights back from Disney and take it to theaters.
       “[Producer] Verástegui approached Angel Studios with the release rights. Angel presented the film to an online group of 100,000 investors in its past projects called the Angel Guild, which gave it a "yes" vote within days. On March 30, 2023, Variety reported that Angel Studios had acquired the worldwide distribution rights . . . On May 12, it received a release date of July 4, 2023.”

        The first step to stopping these heinous crimes is to heighten awareness and this recent film 
certainly does that. Included below are links to the official trailer for the movie and a website you can use to find out if Sound of Freedom is playing at a theater near you. Let’s spread the word about this ground breaking motion picture. And let’s seek out resources to help fight this battle in what ever way we can.
       Remember, “Every person is created in the image of God. Human trafficking—the exploitation of men, women, and children in order to gain a profit—is therefore a crime against both humanity and our Creator,” (as stated at Samaritan’s Purse). Let’s do our part.

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